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Some of the most frequent questions and answers

Before use, wash the product in a dishwasher or by hand.

The lid may be difficult to click on and place in the glass before wash. After being washed and used several times, the lid becomes easier to attach and remove. 

The products can be washed more than 2,000 times. We recommend that you wash your products by hand because it does not strain them in the same way and last longer.

When using a dishwasher, we recommend 40-65 °C, depending on need. Ordinary washing of products should be carried out at as low a temperature as possible.

When using industrial dishwashers, we recommend max. 90 °C for a short period.

The lid is attached by its two snap-fits. 

Therefore, removing the lid by pulling on both ends is difficult because this will only tighten the snap-fit and make removing it more difficult. 

To properly remove the lid, tilt one snap-fit up at a time. The lid can be removed with ease by lifting up one end and then just pulling the lid off. 

Another simple way to remove the lid is by pulling it straight up from inside the middle opening in the lid.

If the lid is attached after pouring: 

Fill the glass with your desired beverage. Aim for the opening in the center of the lid to ensure that your drink does not splash when poured.

If you need to refill your beverage, pour it into the opening in the middle of the lid. 

If the lid is attached after pouring: 

Fill the glass with your desired beverage. Leave some room at the top of the glass to avoid spills. The added volume from the lid can cause the drink to overflow.

If filled above the lid, it will still prevent spillage to some extent, but the lid is most effective if the beverage is below the lid.

The beverage will pour as usual with or without the lid placed in the glass. The lid will not prevent spillage when the drinking glass is tilted over. 

The user can drink from the glass as if the lid was not in place. 

Polycarbonate is better for handling hot beverages than other materials due to its high heat resistance. The surface of the glass will have a pleasant temperature to hold. 

But please still be cautious when handling Hot beverages and be careful if removing the lid while the glass is full, as it may cause the hot beverage to splash.

Our products can be microwaved for a short time WITHOUT the grill function. We recommend a maximum of 1-2 min. at a time. (Using a microwave result in a shorter life span.)

When drinking from the glass, drink from the rim of the glass as you would normally do, but not from the area covered by the lid. 

Both the glasses and the lids can be easily stacked to minimize space while stored.

  • The products can come in contact with all types of food.
  • The material used for the products has been manufactured in accordance with the relevant requirements of Commission Regulation EC No. 2023/2006 on good manufacturing practice for materials and articles intended to come into contact with food.

  • The products have been subjected to global migration tests and comply with the Global Migration Limits set out in Regulation (EU) No 10/2011.

  • The products are safe for repeated use (reusable). 

  • The products can withstand freezing temperature (-24 to -18 °C)

  • The products can withstand refrigeration (3 to 5 °C) 

  • The products are safe to use in hot and/or heating containers to a temperature of 70°C for a maximum of 120 minutes and/or 100°C for a maximum of 10 minutes.

  • Do not expose the products to temperatures above 100°C.

  • The products are shatter-proof but do not use them if they are cracked or damaged.

  • Do not handle the lid as a 100% enclosed spill-proof lid. Drinksaver’s lid is an open design and only minimizes spillage.

  • If the drinking glass is tilted over or dropped while the lid is attached, the beverage will not remain in the glass.

  • ​​Alcoholic beverages derived from aniseed can ruin all plastic materials without exception.

  • The drinking glass and the lid can be washed with warm, soapy water or washed in a dishwasher (both consumable and industrial). To extend the lifetime of the products, it is recommended to wash them by hand.
  • Do not use abrasive materials or harsh chemicals to clean the glass.
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